For the second time in a row, the SmAgTech EXPO virtual fair is being organized by the VIRAL project. The fair is dedicated to the use of information and communication technologies in agriculture and will be organized on November 23-24, 2022. This year, as part of the conference, visitors will have the opportunity to attend a plenary session, a larger number of thematic sections, as well as panels dedicated to the business sector and students.

Around 21 lecturers and 13 panelists will participate in the work of the conference, while the introductory lecture will be addressed by prof. Dr. Radovan Stojanović who represents MANT – Montenegrin Association for New Technologies. More than 60 institutions, companies, and projects from the field of agriculture and information and communication technologies (Agenda) will be presented at the fair.
If you want to learn more about the state and perspectives of ICT in agriculture, digitization in animal production, remote control of production processes or the possibilities offered by new technologies in crop production, we invite you to attend the expert sections during the fair. See what part of the atmosphere that awaits us during the fair looks like in the Promo video.
All those interested can apply for participation in the fair by registering at the following address